JULY 30-31,2025
Dr. Dmitry Strelets
Candidate of Technical Sciences (in Russian), Director of the Directorate of the Institute of Aviation Technology, Head of Research Department, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research Univ.), Director of the WCRC «Supersonic» MAI
Research Interest: Design and certification of aviation technology, mathematical modeling, optimization of complex technical systems.
Speech Title: Investigation of rational size and weight of a second-generation supersonic passenger aircraft
In many countries around the world, design studies of supersonic passenger aircraft are currently being conducted. The studied aircraft models and their characteristics are reported in the literature. All of the aircraft differ in aerodynamic layout, dimensions, and flight characteristics. However, the published data lack information on the selection and justification of the optimal design parameters for those aircraft.
The report presents the results of a study of the design characteristics of supersonic passenger aircraft in a cruise Mach number range of 1.5 – 3.5. The data are obtained using a software package developed at MAI and aimed for the preliminary design stage. The software estimates the characteristics of aircraft with trapezoidal wings of small and moderate aspect ratio, with a fuselage of circular cross-section or a lifting fuselage, and uses turbojet engines as a power plant. The report provides the results of trade studies for an aircraft with a capacity of 48 passengers:
the aircraft’s performance as a function of its cruise flight mode parameters;
the aircraft’s size and weight specification as a function of its range capacity;
the aircraft’s fuel efficiency as a function of its cruise Mach number and range capacity.
Short-bio:Dr. Dmitry Strelets received a diploma in aircraft engineering in Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) in 1994, and scientific degrees of Cand. Sc. in aircraft engineering in Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) in 1999. Since 2004, Dr. Strelets has been working at the Faculty of Aviation Engineering of Moscow Aviation Institute as the head of the research and development department and associate professor. Since 2023, Dr. Strelets has been Director of the Directorate of the Institute of Aviation Technology.
In addition, Dr. Strelets is Deputy Design Director at Sukhoi Design Bureau - one of the largest aviation enterprises in Russia.
Dr. Strelets is engaged in fundamental and applied research in the development of mathematical modeling methods. His recent research interests include: aircraft design and certification, mathematical modeling, optimization of complex technical systems. Since 2010, Dr. Strelets has published more than 100 scientific papers in Russian and international publications, including technical papers in international journals. He is a reviewer for several international journals, a member of the scientific committee of the ICASSE international conference since 2017, and a regional editor for the journal Aerospace Systems (Springer).
He was awarded the Best Paper Award at the 10th IEEE International Conference on Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering in 2019.
Dr. Strelets was also awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for his great contribution to the development of modern aviation technology, in 2018 awarded honorary title "Honorary Aircraft Manufacturer", in 2021 he was awarded the Honorary Badge of Aircraft Manufacturers Union of Russia, in 2024 he was awarded an honorary certificate from the Mayor of Moscow.
Education and Credentials:
• Deputy Head of the Design & Research Scientific Center at the Sukhoi design Bureau;
• Head of Research and Development Department of MAI ( on charge on more then 300 engineers );
• Director of World Class Scientific Center «Supersonic»;
• Deputy Head of Mathematical Modeling Center;
• PhD of Technical Sciences;
• Honorable Aircraft Engineer 2018;
• Author of more than 100 published scientific papers.